I've had some recent experiences that have left me shaking my head at the actions of some of those who claim to be the biggest and bestest at being exemplary Christians. It's hard enough to swallow the actions of the people who present themselves as perfect Christians, and perfect people in general. It's just the icing on the cake when it crosses the border into hypocrisy. I've never counted myself as perfect at anything, and certainly not a perfect Christ follower. The beauty is no one else is perfect either. We are all flawed by design, and will never be perfect or worthy enough. That's the meaning of being saved by grace- I don't have to be perfect. God loves me beyond comprehension anyway, flawed and broken as I am. But there are those people who feel the need to present themselves as perfect, while looking down upon others who don't meet up to the standards that they can't even meet themselves. No, I will never be the best mother, the best wife, the best teacher, may not volunteer in the most activities or be a board member of the most prestigious elite groups. My kids may not ever be the team star athletes, or the valedictorian of whatever uber academic program that someone else's child might be in. I may not be married to an important member of some church's board. But when I reach judgment day, I won't be surprised to see that all my elitist airs did nothing to change my place in God's eyes. I won't be surprised to see my wrongs judged, to see my shortcomings are weighted just the same as everyone else's. I won't be surprised to find that with all my claims to being such a devoted Christian, that my actions have turned more people off to God, than brought them to Him. And I'm okay with that.