Holy crow, time goes by too quickly. I have a whole ton of pictures I planned on uploading into a blog, but I just haven't had the time. I've been working stupid crazy hours off and on, and had school and clinicals, not to mention the chaos that goes with three busy kids. Yikes. I'm going to attempt to recap the past couple months, and at least put up some of the pictures I've been planning on uploading!
Kids Spot Cheer 2013-2014 Banquet!
Our cheer banquet was a big hit. The girls all look forward to the event, and getting all dressed up in fancy dresses and hair. This year, the banquet was held at Francesco's.
Ella loved wearing one of her pageant dresses again. All the girls were so gorgeous in all their fancy party wear. The dinner was great, and the dance party afterwards was a blast. They gave out a number of awards, and Ella was ecstatic when her name was called for most improved!
TJ "officially" graduated 8th grade this year. Our homeschool co-op had a graduation ceremony, as we had three 8th graders and one high school graduate. It was a very nice ceremony, and I'm so glad we celebrated our students. We don't really keep track of grades in our house, so I'm the mom that was left scrambling to get a cap and gown at the last minute when someone ELSE pointed out my son was one of the graduates LOL. Ooops!

As another "farewell" to junior high, TJ went on his last mission trip with his junior high youth group. The jr high students go to eastern Kentucky every summer to serve the communities in the mountains. They have two small churches they partner with, to run a VBS program for the local children, as well as provide some physical labor in cleaning and repainting and repairing around the area. This is his second trip there, and his final with his youth group. Next year he will go with the high school group to whatever location they are going to. I love seeing all the pictures of the area they are serving. It's gorgeous in the mountains! Next year will be Max's turn to go on his first trip there, and I know he will love going.
Perhaps TJ's least favorite part was that we had to get up SO early to head out! They packed the trailers with most of the supplies and equipment the night before, so when we arrived at dawn the day they left, they had only to put in their carryon bags and some blankets and pillows. After our goodbyes, and saying prayers over all the travellers, they headed out for the long long drive.
Cheer takes no breaks during the off season! If anything, they hit the gym harder to prepare for the upcoming season. Ella is in the gym six days a week, and up to five hours a day. It's not all work and no play though. She loves getting to walk in the local parades. We recently walked in the Belvidere Heritage Days parade. The picture of the lady on stilts was not from our group, but she was quite impressive, and I felt it was photo worthy LOL. I cannot imagine walking in those things, and she even lifted one leg up high and stood on only one peg!! It was nuts!
Girls just wanna have fun! :)
So our days are busy, and always moving way too fast. We're hoping the weather cooperates enough to fit a camping trip or two into the mix. We have a couple upcoming days at the water parks, and a number of days at day camp at church. My boys are volunteer leaders this year, and Ella is a camper. They're all having a great time. I start back to school in a couple days myself. (boo... hiss...) I know the rest of summer is going to fly by. Hopefully not so fast that we don't enjoy it as much as we can.