Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful -day 20

I'm thankful that I have the freedom to homeschool my kids. I love that they are free to develop their own interests and personalities without someone else telling them it's not ok or not cool. They're not completely free of outside influence, but it's definitely less pronounced than if they were in school.

My daughter loves to cook and sew. So do my boys. My kids all have their own sewing machines actually. My oldest wants to go to culinary school someday. My younger son cut some fabric after tracing his body and made some pajamas without a pattern lol. Today, my oldest wanted to make pumpkin pies from scratch, including the pie crust. I'd never been brave enough to make my own pie crust before, but in home ec at coop he had done so. So that made him an expert lol. He made one crust, and the other son made the other, and we have two pumpkin pies baking! My daughter has her cookie ingredients on the table, ready for baking tomorrow. I love that they not only enjoy cooking and baking, but don't feel pressured not to do something they enjoy based on someone else's opinion.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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