I had a whole day off. I repeat, a WHOLE day OFF. Usually when I say I have a day off, I really mean that I may not have to work at one of my millions jobs, but probably work at the other, or have school at least. Thanks to Martin Luther King, Jr., I had no school. By the grace of God, I had no work. Somehow all the planets aligned properly, and I had an entire day with no obligations, save for a two hour window of cheerleading practice for Ella. I cannot remember the last time such a thing occurred. I had an entire house full of teenage boys, due to the slumber party my boys had last night. They were all forewarned that if they came upstairs before I gave them permission, there would be certain death. Surprisingly, they obeyed. I do believe that was the second miracle of the day. I was able to sleep in a bit this morning, before preparing the jumbo pot of Cream of Wheat to feed the hungry masses. Food and teenage boys go well together. Happy teenage boys, means happy momma.
We've lived outside the Cherry Valley library district for two years now, but I had never bothered to transfer our library cards to the Loves Park branch until today. Why? I don't know. Just lazy and busy. Finally decided today was the day. So the van full of us, herd of teenage boys included, spent a few hours enjoying the new place. It's a pretty nice library, certainly larger than Cherry Valley. I think we'll get a lot of use out of their facilities. Ella particularly liked the children's section. They have a lot of activities there for kids, that coincide with the story book of the week. Naturally, Ella was in heaven there!
Ten million library books, one DVD, and two computer games checked out, and we were off.
Half the teenagers wanted to go see "The Nut Job" so I dropped them off, and the others wanted to go get new video games at Game Stop, so I dropped them off on the way to take Ella to cheer practice. I spent an obscene amount of time talking to someone I never should have lost touch with. Super duper glad I was able to steal so much of their time to talk today. :) I picked all the teenagers and Ella up, dropped the extra kids off at their homes, and got mine settled in at home with their respective schoolwork. I managed to meet up with B and K for some yummy quesadillas and Cold Stone ice cream, since B has fallen off the health-food wagon. Yay! It's always more fun when that happens :) Unfortunately, we all have stupid crazy schedules lately, so we haven't managed to get together nearly as often as we should. Now there's a great debate on our vacation- should I still plan our trip the the Wisconsin Dells next month, or listen to Keith and squeek another Disney trip in??? Hmmmm..... Decisions, decisions... I really really need a vacation, so I'm thinking the Dells are going to win this time.
All in all, an amazingly wonderful day. I did a lot, and yet nothing, all at the same time. None of it was work. None of it was school. All of it made me happy. And all was right with the world.
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