Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Resurrection Sunday!

We were blessed with an amazing Easter Sunday this year. The weather was absolutely perfect, which was an unexpected treat. We had a lovely service at church in the morning, followed by a family dinner and egg hunt in the afternoon. The food was fantastic, even the adults enjoyed the egg hunt, visiting with the extended family is always nice, and a good time was had by all.

My boys and I before service began at Church.

The sanctuary was beginning to fill up for Resurrection Sunday service. It was a pretty full house by the time the service began. It was a wonderful worship service, and Pastor Rusty always shares a powerful message.

Ella was ready to get to the egg hunt!

Egg hunting mayhem! The grown ups hid the eggs all over the place- some were tossed in the open lawn, and others were more elaborately hidden. Each of the children had their own assigned egg color, and there was one "wild" color that anyone could grab. This worked out to be the best idea ever, and ensured that all the kids had a good selection of eggs to find. We will definitely have to use the same methods next year. There was also an impromptu sword fight in the middle of the egg hunt. What is an Easter celebration without a sword fight? The egg hunt and sword fight were followed by a squirt gun fight, on account of the weather being so wonderful.

Ella was walking on the slide in an effort to reach a purple egg, and she slipped just as I snapped the picture. It's amazing that it didn't come out blurry, as it happened so fast!

All in all, I think everyone had a great time!

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