Friday, February 21, 2014


Another week flew by. This one went by quicker than most, it seems. My mom wound up in the hospital over the weekend and for the first half of the week, and spent some time in ICU. This was her first hospitalization in two years, which is a new record. She was able to come home Wednesday evening, and had to return to the hospital for an all day schedule of fun MRI's, CT scans, ultrasounds, and xrays. So basically that meant a lot of sitting around for us. This is what six hours of sitting in a waiting room looks like:

On the upside, there weren't any real arguments, no one threw any temper tantrums, we were able to have a nice lunch together in the fine dining cafeteria (ha ha), and the gift shop had a discount on jewelry, so Ella and I each got a new necklace/earring set. And since she had multiple different tests done, we wound up being moved from one waiting room to another waiting room, so we at least had a change of scenery during that time. So, all in all a decent day.

Unfortunately, the weather hasn't got the memo that we're sick of winter. We had one warm and sunny day on Wednesday. Mostly just enough to tease us that spring is coming, as winter roared back in the following day. I am beginning to think we are doomed to have winter forever. I may never see the sun again :( This is the sad, sad view from my deck. Look at all that warm sunshine pouring down over the neighborhood! ::grumble grumble::


Oh, how I miss the sun.

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